vegas 2019 recap


I sit at gate C9 at McCarran International Airport, resting my bruised feet and leg, with no regrets. This was my second Vegas, and my third EVE event in total, and it didn't disappoint. EVE Vegas 2019 was an absolute blast for all involved and I need to name and thank some individuals who stand out as those who made it all possible.


  • @Graydor - Uncle Bean who opened his home to welcome each and everyone of us for a super chill BBQ get-together stretching late into the night, prepping endless food and entertainment. Thank you so much to him and his family! (yes I'm including all the wondeful weiner dogs)
  • @Alcoholic Satan - Thank you for rallying the beans yet again this year, and being Graydor's Assistant Producer of Festivities.
  • @Theqwert125 - For keeping the NBI brain on during our talks, for being a cat herder, and for pushing to get a girthy form for Penn & Teller.............. just to get blueballed at the last minute. You worked hard to make sure we had the numbers and the content. It doesn't go unappreciated!
  • @Dylana Aivo - Who else but the swag queen to bring the A-game? On top of the energy you bring to our group, as far as I'm concerned, Horde had the best swag of the show again this year, and it's your literal physical and mental effort that makes it happen. boggers and thank you!
  • @Keleios Shizaru - And holy crap, from out of left field, a hot drop of even more swag! People couldn't believe how Horde pulled no punches and gave out free battery packs? USB drives?? Bluetooth earpods?! Not to mention the special delivery just for BFL. Thank you, you knocked it out of the park.
  • @Joplin IV Thorne - A new face to Horde who delivered arguably The Best Swag of the whole trip: handmade Scootypuff Bean hats! I... I am still upset I didn't end up leaving with one. Thank you!!
  • @Michdelle Arnoux - Recipient of the "Dude Are You Sure You're Ok" Award. We're glad you didn't whelp!
  • @Jinto Lafiel - For representing Horde in the invasion tournament, along with Michdelle. You did good, even if you did whelp!
  • @JohnnyCashRules - Alcohol. Like, dude what the fuck.
  • @Kai'ne Sicturus - Our new favorite fascist, for bringing Secret Hitler, the game of the weekend.
  • @Jordan Clarksonton - OUR FANFEST TICKET WINNER!
  • And @Gobbins - for leading our beans this weekend. And reminding me to write this message!
  • Feel free to post your own recaps and photos you'd like to share from the trip.